
Febbraio 27, 2018
What exactly is a sports hernia? Is it actually a type of a hernia? Can only athletes get sports hernias? We are going to discuss what a sports hernia actually is and what your repair and recovery options are if you think you may have a sports hernia. The proper medical term for a sports...
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symptoms of a hernia
A hernia is a common condition that can happen to anyone. It’s caused by muscle weakness and strain, and it requires medical treatment. What is a hernia? Part of the function of your muscles is holding your organs in place. Normally, they’re tight and strong enough to handle the job. When a weak spot develops...
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laparoscopic colon surgery
Have you recently been told that you need colon surgery? You are probably weighing your options between traditional colon surgery or laparoscopic colon surgery. Learn about the many benefits of laparoscopic colon surgery, like faster recoveries, lesser risk of infection, and more. Colon surgery, also known as a colectomy, is a surgery that removes all...
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Prof. Francesco Sammartino

Il Prof Francesco Sammartino è specialista in chirurgia Generale e Mininvasiva e si occupa della chirurgia  delle malattie dell’apparato gastroenterico.